Happy New Year!
I am excited about 2022 and all the things God has in store for His people. Each year I pick a word for the year. The word gives direction to my prayer life and focus. It seems that my word represents an important step in my sanctification journey. I love that because I need (and want) God to convict and change my heart.
My word for 2022 is strength! I want to be a woman who is strong in and through Jesus. This strength does not prove anything about me except that I desperately need Him. I need the love, mercy, grace, and power of Jesus right in the middle of my challenges, overwhelming circumstances, and everyday aspects of life.

In Hebrews 11, a list of faith-filled people is mentioned. After listing men and women who lived by faith, verse 34 says, "whose weakness was turned to strength..." That phrase catches my heart as we move into 2022. Sweet friend, our weakness can display God's strength as we keep our eyes focused on Jesus and the daily opportunity to live by faith. How will this change my life and focus? Daily I will ask Jesus to make me strong! The outcome? I will focus on all the ways God is working and moving. I will see the best in my situations and circumstances and the people around me. Finally, I will relinquish the need to prove anything in my strength to anyone, including myself.
What is your word for the year? If you did not pick a word, no problem! What are you asking God to do in and through your life in 2022? I can't wait to see what God has in store for us! Beginning tomorrow, I will release a blog post on the first Tuesday of each month. Each post will help us know, live, and share God's truth. Tomorrow's post will dig into Hebrews 11 and talk about living by faith. This is going to be an exciting year. I am so glad you are here for the adventure. Hang on, sweet friend!

Kindness! I plan to be kind to everyone. Words of kindness to all.
Dedication!! To study of God’s Word, intentional sharing of what I learn and focus on what God has planned ahead for me!!
I thought I had my word for the year but it seems that God is giving me daily words - and I am running with it. I have the word REDEEMED as my word for the year - living like a redeemed woman and seeing how it plays out this year But today - it was PROMISE! Thankful that God keeps His promises/