Sweet friend!
I am so thankful we can avoid the comparison trap and embrace the full, free, abundant life Jesus provides. As you scroll through the comparison thoughts below, think about the area in life that is hard for you.
Is it thinking:
“If I had the talent she has, I could...”
“If I had the background she has, I could...”
“If I had the resources she has, I could...”
“If I had the appearance she has, I could...”
“If I had the family and friends she has, I could...”
“If I had the calling she has, I could...”
Thankfully we do not have to stay in the Comparison Trap! Scroll through the images below to find three God-centered solutions.
When we break the comparison cycle, we foster an openness to Jesus for our life. The outcome is a God-given ability to live for God's glory.
Order a copy of God in the Window to learn more about my struggle with the comparison trap. I share my nagging desire to control or chart the direction of my life. Learning to trust God with my story was key to victory. Sweet friend, you can experience victory in your life. You do not have to stay in the comparison trap.
