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Merry Christmas from Andrea Lennon Ministry!

Writer's picture: Andrea LennonAndrea Lennon

What a year it has been for all of us! I will look back on 2020 with mixed emotions. The sting of loss was real. We lost loved ones, jobs, a sense of security, many opportunities, and so much more. My heart goes out to every person who is hurting and trying to figure out where to go from “here.”

What did we gain? I hope and pray we gained a deeper realization of our need for God and His ever-present willingness to be our rock and refuge… a very present help in time of trouble.

I know many of you are new to the Andrea Lennon Ministry Community. I want to say a warm welcome! We are so excited you are here. This is a place where God is exalted, the Bible is our “go to” book, and faith lived out in the “daily” is our goal. I love how God knits hearts and lives together. What an incredible responsibility to be alive at this moment in time. God has entrusted us with the opportunity to shine His light of love and hope in a world needing to see the difference He makes.

That thought brings me to the topic of Christmas. Even amid the unusual aspects of 2020, I hope you are finding ways to celebrate Jesus in deep and meaningful ways. Friends, Christmas is all about peace---peace with God, peace with ourselves, and peace with each other. Can I ask you a personal question? Are you experiencing God’s peace? If not, you can. Right now, ask God to help you. Call out to Him and ask for His peace, purpose, and direction.

December has been a meaningful month in our Girl on the Go Private Facebook Community. We have been talking about the Nativity story. We have looked at each character and each scene. The conversations have been real and helpful. I invite you to join the conversation here!

I have a Christmas gift for you! Please visit my website and download Christmas Peace. This free eBook is a quick read and will help all of us focus on the real meaning of Christmas. Grab a cup of coffee and settle in for a quick read. (Please note that Christmas Peace was written before Covid19 hit our world. However, the principles still apply to the deep places in our hearts and lives.)

2021 is going to be an exciting year as we RELAUNCH Andrea Lennon Ministry. We have so many resources coming your way. Stay tuned. I can’t wait to share everything with you. For now, Merry Christmas to you and yours. You are so loved by God.

Much Love,


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