Sweet Friend,
I hope this blog finds you doing well! It has been a minute since I shared a ministry update with you. Before I share the big news, I want you to know that you are a person who has helped shape my ministry because you are a person who has helped shape me. You have loved, supported, encouraged, and never let me quit. You have not only poured into my life, you have also poured into the lives of my family. I am forever grateful for your commitment to God and to me. What a blessing to enjoy life and ministry together.
God is on the move and I am excited to share an update with you! While 2020 has been the most unusual year with plenty of twists and turns, it has also been a necessary year of evaluating and making changes. God has provided a way for True Vine Ministry, LLC to dissolve and for Andrea Lennon Ministry, Inc. to be established as a 501(c)3 nonprofit ministry. This step will position the ministry for exponential growth as we continue to encourage women to know the truth, live the truth, and share the truth.
Andrea Lennon Ministry will offer high-quality Bible teaching and products designed to help women grow in their faith. We are expanding the ministry to better serve women at their greatest point of need. We are excited to introduce the following ministry branches: Andrea Lennon Live, True Vine Publishing, and Girl on the Go Community.
In order for the ministry to run effectively, I need your help. The ministry is asking God to raise up financial partners. Andrea Lennon Ministry is trusting God to provide $80,000.00 annually. Your sacrificial gift will lead to the development of new resources designed to encourage women in their faith. In addition, the ministry will establish an employee structure including office support.
Why is God calling us to make this change especially during uncertain times? Women are hurting and looking for direction. Life is hard, situations are overwhelming, and isolation is real. It’s into this reality that the beautiful message of Jesus and His life-changing Word offers hope, peace, and direction. I am excited as we look to the future. I know God will provide and I know He will knit our hearts together in the process.
Thank you for prayerfully considering taking part in something much bigger than any one of us. If you have any questions, please reach out to me. I would love to visit and share my heart with you. My prayer is that we will leverage our lives for the never-ending, always enough, gospel of Jesus Christ. Please visit www.andrealennonministry.org to join the faith adventure. Click "donate" at the bottom of the page. Your gift of any size is greatly appreciated. Stay tuned... more exciting news coming later this month.

Much Love!
Andrea Lennon