One of my greatest joys is serving as the Women's Ministry Specialist at the Arkansas Baptist State Convention. I work alongside some of the sweetest women you will ever meet. We really love each other, and we really love the Lord!
Each year we host a statewide women's conference called Inspire. I hope you and your friends will join us this year because we have a special day planned for you!
What can you expect at Inspire 2023?
Powerful worship with Cory and Stephanie Epps!
Dynamic teaching with Dr. Tara Dew!
Meaningful times of connection with other women!
A fun day with sweet friends!
Inspire Women’s Conference is happening on Saturday, September 23, 2023, at First Baptist Church in Russellville. Doors open at 8:30 a.m. Event begins at 9:30 a.m. Join us for a meaningful day where you will learn how to flourish in Jesus!
Click on the image below to learn more about Inspire 2023. Then register for Inspire here!
